vendredi 29 juin 2007

28 Juni 2007, Unforgettable day..

Kemaren, sumpah, ini bakal jadi hari yang gak akan terlupakan. Dari hanya sekedar ide dadakan, gw dan mita melakukan hal-hal gila. Sebenarnya kita akan ke kota karena ada yang mesti di beli. Gw punya keperluan untuk hadiah dan mita punya kebutuhan untuk diri sendiri, maklum lagi sale time. Mita bilang, "Pot, kita dandan yang aneh yuk hari ini... Metal-metal gitu deh...". Gw langsung tertarik banget..." Boleh.....". Pikir gw kapan lagi gw gila di bukan negara gw dan who cares gitulohhhh.. Dan satu lagi, kayanya udah lama banget gak maen dresscode.
Mau liat tampilan kita? Ini dia...

Idenya sederhana. Kita maunya tampil rada ngepunk, tapi sayangnya karena keterbatasan properti, akhirnya ala kadarnya. Ampe baju batikpun kayanya ok juga dipake.. hihihi. Mita looks more chick. Hihihi.

Tapi eng ing eng... Lagi sibuk pose-pose foto gini, Pak Jougla, penanggung jawab apartemen, dateng dan melihat kita menginjak rumput. Dan dengan seenaknya dia memarahi kita dengan suara gede dia dan aksen bahasa perancisnya yang aneh banget.... Even si mita pun cengok (doi jauh lebih expert kalo masalah bahasa perancis). Dan ada satu momen yang lebih gak mengenakkan lagi, doi sempet mendorong mita karena kita berdebat terus ama dia. Dan ini bikin suasana malah gak enak banget buat gw secara mita adalah tamu gw. Tapi akhirnya kita caw dan gak peduli ama kejadian itu, walau sempet sekitar 30 menit masih teringiang-ngiang di otak gw.

Sesampai di kota, kita belanja sana sini, tapi sayangnya gw gak dapet apa yang gw mau. Dan pas lagi belanja, lagi sibuk ngomong, ada orang yang lewat dan nanya " Dari mana? Indonesia atau Malaysia?". Ibu-ibu yang perancis banget dan ternyata doi dulu 20 tahunan yang lalu pernah hidup di Indonesia dan masih lancar bahasa Indonesia. Kita bertiga ketawa dan kita ngobrol dan akhirnya tuker-tuker nomor telp. Gw kepikiran akan menjadikan beliau orang tua angkat gw disini. Ini ide keluar sejak gw liat Doddy py keluarga angkat disini yang baek banget. Dan pastinya ini bagus banget untuk bahasa perancis gw.

Kejadian keempat yang lucu lagi adalah, pas kita lagi makan malam di kebab terbaik di nantes, tiba-tiba ada orang mabuk datang dan nimbrung ajah. Karena dia liat mita lagi buka peta Jerman, dan dia mulai cerita-cerita tentang Jerman yang kita sendiri gak tahu dia ngomong apa. Maklum mabuk... tapi yang bikin sebel sih ludahnya kemana-mana... Hiii jijik....

Hahahaha. Kita ampe rumah masih ketawa-tawa dengan hari ini yang kayanya lucu banget.. Hihihi.

n.p. Terima kasih buat imam atas kesediannya jadi fotografer....

mardi 26 juin 2007

Earth-ing, Wind-y, and Fire-ing

Hahahay, yes, last saturday night was so great. Finally one of my favs, came to here, our petite ville, Nantes. Not just their concert, but this ville also organized some other shows like opera, one man show, exposition, etc. I like it so much. I think it's hardly to find in Indonesia nowadays. More like Pasar Rakyat kampung-kampung. May be almost one thousand people came. But, our target was the only one, "Earth, Wind and Fire".

Earthing. Their music, I think, more likely jazz, but sometimes you can find some disco involved. But it doesn't matter, still great, still fun, and enjoy it. I like their songs very much. Pretty fun and makes easy to dance. Man, a concert without dancing is a mash... Don't you ever think about it? Hmm, I am sorry, but for me that's the way how we enjoy the concert, not just hearing, but also dancing.. Ups, i just forgot another part, and I think everyone is so happy for this one. This concert was free, so what you want more??? I like the way they treated the audiences especially when they came to us, after the show, to sign the album (15 Euros, I got it!, Merci bien Joseph), paper, towel (Joshua got Al McKay's), hand, everything. I like the audience, they were so nice, but might not be so free to dance. Might be they're still loading who the artists are at the moment... Hahahaha. Yeah, French really like their own music.

Windy. It was a bit windy. I think it's quiet interesting. My friend, Mita, came from Bordeaux. She said, in Nice, coast side of France, it was so sunny. And here, in Nantes, it is really weird. In one day, you can have sun, wind, and rain. It changes so fast and you can not imagine going out without jacket. Ok, back to the concert, yes, it was a bit windy. At first, we put on our jacket, but after 30 minutes, we're sweating. Yes, it's time for put off the jacket, and dance more wildy.. hahaha.

Fireing. We enjoy it so muchhhh... Every second was so great. They fired our energy. They fired our bad time and changed with fun, happiness. You won't care about what just happened before. They will take care of you and make some fun with their music.

They said they dont know when they will come back to France. McKay, the guitarist-the producer, said their singer is sick, parkinson.. I hope he will get well soon, although almost impossible. Thanks Earth, Wind and Fire, I like you so much... See you around, guys!.

in illy cafe, before the concert

samedi 23 juin 2007

First time

Dulu, pernah punya satu blog. Tapi sayang, saya lupa alamatnya dan ternyata setelah di cek, dibuat dengan email yang gak jelas dan saya pun lupa email yang mana pula itu. Ok, let's say this is my first time in blog's world.
Ok, today is June 23, 2007. Tonight, I hope the weather will be great, or at least the forecaster are wrong. Yup, open concert will be held in town and one of my favs, Earth Wind and Fire, will make some happy sounds there. Can't wait...
Some weeks just passed. And many interesting things from class always push me to make a blog. Sharing is the best idea when we have our great time. It's funny, one of my teacher, Mr. Scheneider, fake German, living in Paris since 25 years ago, said that the key of life is sharing. That's his motto and I think it's quite difficult to be accepted by most people. But, I agree with him.
Ok, next will be more interesting. Share about science, lifetime, friends, future, everything. I hope we enjoy our time by this blog.